Ghost Rider and Helstrom

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
I just read a rumor a few days ago about Kevin Feige wanting to use Ghost Rider. Interesting...


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
This is sad. You can tell they really don't know what to do next. So they're gonna keep recycling these dead characters until they catch the next lightning in the bottle.

Saying the TV shows weren't connected (even though they are), was the dumbest thing they could do, because now they've painted themselves into a corner with what comes next. They've also cut off different types of markets in doing so.

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Helstrom Begins Filming As We Still Don't Know Who's in the Marvel Show

A few weeks back, we broke the news Hulu's Helstrom would begin filming on October 7th and as fate would have it, it appears the show has kicked off even earlier than that — in fact, it's seemingly currently in production as we speak. Helstrom production designer Todd Fjelsted took to Instagram over the weekend to share the fact production was starting and by now, the series has been in production for a few days. More peculiar than that, no concrete casting information has surfaced in regards to the show — likely meaning casting in imminent.

When we found out production was starting October 7th, it was scheduled to last through February 28th, something that matches up with Fjelsted's Instagram post. Despite having a panel from Hulu's Runaways at New York Comic Con this weekend, Marvel Television chose to withhold any Helstrom information — including who'd be playing Daimon and Satana "Ana" Helstrom — likely pushing any announcements back to this week or next, especially in light of Hulu pulling the plug on Ghost Rider so recently.

When Helstrom was first announced, it was revealed as a series alongside the Gabriel Luna-starring Ghost Rider. Marvel Television boss Jeph Loeb then went on record to say the two shows would launch Marvel's "Adventure into Fear," a set of shows dedicated to terror-based properties. At the time, Loeb also revealed one or two more shows had yet to be revealed for inclusion on Hulu.

"Something that really interested us and interested them, and we always knew that we were going to do something with Ghost Rider, we were just waiting for the right place to put it," Loeb says. "Then we started having the same conversation, which was there is in the comic book world the Spirits of Vengeance, and they are this sort of unusual group of characters, which involve Ghost Rider, which involves Helstrom, which involve Helstrom’s sister, Anna. We suddenly saw that there were three or four shows that we could put together that we now refer to as Adventure into Fear."

It's unclear what the additional shows would be, though Helstrom and Ghost Rider were trademarked by Marvel the same time Glyph and Spirits of Vengeance were.

Helstrom is set for release in 2020.

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
EXCLUSIVE: Marvel’s Helstrom Cast Revealed With Homeland & Fear The Walking Dead Vets – Deadline

Fresh off her role as besieged President Elizabeth Keane on Homeland and an unforgiving stint on Netflix’s Unbelievable, Elizabeth Marvel joins veterans of Fear The Walking Dead, The Royals and the just launched Raising Dion on the demonic live action series from Hulu and the home of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The aptly named Marvel will play the long-institutionalized Victoria Helstrom in the 10-episode first season of the Paul Zbyszewski, who will serve as showrunner and Marvel TV boss Jeph Loeb executive produced series.

Set to debut next year on the Disney controlled streamer, Helstrom will be led by Tom Austen and Sydney Lemmon as supposed serial killer offspring Daimon Helstrom and Ana Helstrom. Plagued by their family background Grantchester and ex-The Royals blackmailing bodyguard Austen and FearTWD alum Lemmon will pursue the world’s vilest of the vile – with some family drama of their own.

Raising Dion’s Ariana Guerra, Ballers’ Robert Wisdom, June Carryl and Alain Uy will also star in the Vancouver, Canada filmed live action series that Hulu picked up back in May (See character descriptions below). The pulling back of the Helstrom cast curtain comes as the show kicks into production in Hollywood North and the long-planned Ghost Rider series with Gabriel Luna was shuttered late last month.

Of course, when you may or may not be leaping into Hellfire, Marvel’s first foray into real horror looks to be pretty hot.

“We feel incredibly fortunate to have landed a cast loaded with this much talent,” said EP Zbyszewski to Deadline today of the Helstrom unveiling. “From the beginning, we knew we’d need a group of actors who were multifaceted, who could play all the chords any great Marvel show promises to play, from dramatic thriller to comedy to action. It’s going to be really fun to watch them work.”

“Marvel Television is thrilled to have such an amazing cast that enriches Paul’s fantastic writing,” added fellow EP Loeb of the Marvel Television and ABC Signature Studios produced show and its players. “The ensemble is the perfect way to bring our audience into our Adventure into Fear franchise causing delicious nightmares of what’s to come!”


First making an appearance in the almost equally fiery Ghost Rider comic back in 1973, Daimon Hellstrom AKA Son of Satan was granted his own series soon afterwards. With a sibling called Satana in the books, the Roy Thomas and Gary Friedrich created Hellstrom the comic character has demonic abilities and the ability to travel back and forth between this world and Hell.

With a multi-world of narrative possibilities, Hellstrom has gone through various iterations and spellings over the years. He is currently set as a member of the down and dirty Strikeforce comic team with the Blade, Monica Rambeau, Angela, Winter Soldier, Wiccan and Spider-Woman characters.

No word yet on how Helstrom the TV series will roll out on Hulu, but don’t be shocked if they debut a trio of episodes in one go and the remainder week after week.

Here are the cast and characters descriptions of Marvel’s Helstrom:

Tom Austen (Grantchester, The Royals) as Daimon Helstrom – A professor of ethics who moonlights as an exorcist, Daimon has no illusions about saving a world he has no patience for; he just hopes he can help a few of the people closest to him. In his battle against a hidden world, Daimon is determined to root out demons as they arise, and will not stop until they’re vanquished.


Sydney Lemmon (Fear of The Walking Dead) as Ana Helstrom – By day, Ana runs a successful auction house and suffers no fools, but her true interest lies in hunting down those who hurt others. Traumatized by her father as a child, Ana is driven to rid the world of those like him, even as she secretly worries her father will return.

Elizabeth Marvel (Homeland, The Meyerowitz Stories) as Victoria Helstrom – Plagued by demons both real and imagined, Victoria has been institutionalized for twenty years. While she struggles to be herself, she hopes to repair her relationship with her children.


Robert Wisdom (Ballers, Watchmen) as Caretaker – Caretaker is a guardian of knowledge of the occult. He uses his knowledge and his relationship with Ana to help keep demonic forces at bay.


June Carryl (Mindhunter, Dead Women Walking) as Dr. Louise Hastings – A psychologist with a strong faith but an open mind, Hastings is head of the psychiatric hospital where Victoria is being monitored. She has watched over the Helstrom family for years, caring for them as best she can.


Ariana Guerra (Raising Dion, Insatiable) as Gabriella Rosetti – A woman balancing logic and faith, Gabriella arrives from the Vatican to help Daimon and Hastings uncover cases of demonic possession. She wants to save everyone she can, including Daimon.


Alain Uy (The Passage, Paper Tigers) as Chris Yen – Yen is Ana’s business partner and her closest friend — some would say surrogate brother. He carries out the bulk of the auction house’s responsibilities and assists Ana with whatever she needs.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I was taught in comic book school.
at the marwen foundation by raph neives the writer of helstrom.

good to see the character used.
maybe they use some of his stuff.
like the dark knight stole from him in the pencil death scene.
except they just flipped and down graded the death.
to be a more elaborate work with a pencil.
whereas neives used a setup death with a straw. Which was a more evolved death and result than the disappearing magic pencil trick in dark knight.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Just need to add Blade & Johnny Blaze and we can get the Midnight Sons

midnight sons ruined ghostwriter as an actual quality readable mag, month to month.
midnight sons,, thank you.
plus, the nick cage movie did as good as you could with crap.
where, we see how critically that is panned.

art barr