Ghana's farmers eye sweet success from chocolate

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Ghana's farmers eye sweet success from chocolate
April 12, 2021

A cocoa farmer collects harvested cocoa pods on a farm in Asikasu, a town in Eastern Region of Ghana

There is a lot of money in chocolate but the producers of the raw material see very little of it.

Last year the retail industry was worth $107bn (£78bn), according to one projection, but Ghana - the world's second largest cocoa producer - earned just around $2bn.

This is a familiar pattern for many African countries where the economy is still shaped by a colonial relationship in which they export commodities to be processed elsewhere.

Ghana's President, Nana Akufo-Addo, served notice on this last year when he told an audience in Switzerland that "there can be no future prosperity for the Ghanaian people" if this way of doing things continues.

The country currently processes about 30% of its cocoa crop, but despite plans for growing the domestic chocolate industry there are still many obstacles in the way.

Ambitious cocoa farmer Nana Aduna II - a traditional ruler, who inherited his 80-acre plantation two decades ago - is well aware of the difficulties.


He is among a number of Ghanaian entrepreneurs who are keen to seize the opportunity to process cocoa in Ghana itself, before exporting a more lucrative finished product.

But when it comes to the sweet stuff, Nana Aduna "decided not to go down the chocolate route", he tells the BBC.

"The equipment to make chocolate is very expensive," he explains. "Plus we don't have a local sugar industry and we don't have a local dairy industry."


Instead he makes an income from offering tours where visitors can witness the fermentation process and observe how the cocoa pods are left outdoors to dry in the sun before they are processed into teas, wines and cacao nibs to be sold.

To make chocolate, on the other hand, would require Nana Aduna to import milk and sugar, which would drive up the cost of production.

He also says producing the confectionary requires consistent refrigeration, but the high cost of the equipment to achieve that is a major obstacle for entrepreneurs without substantial funds.


Nana Aduna makes cocoa wine and tea for export from Ghana

The farmer's teas and wines are not typically associated with cocoa, but the goods are selling well, according to Nana Aduna, who says he can make 15 to 20 times more on these products than the raw beans.

Chocolate could have more of a mass market appeal and also offer good returns but for the moment, he says that's not viable.

There are others with ambitions to set up a processing plant in Ghana but who are currently taking the cocoa beans overseas
They include British-Ghanaian farm-owner and chocolate-maker Raphael Dapaah, who is based in London.


Raphael Dapaah

In 2016, he decided to add value to the cocoa that his family has been growing in Ghana for six decades by co-founding premium vegan brand Dapaah Chocolates.

He refines batches of chocolate in his London factory incorporating ingredients such as coconut milk powder and sea salt from Ghana's Atlantic coast.

Relocate to Ghana
The former civil servant, who has global ambitions for his brand, says setting up production in the UK was a carefully considered strategy as it is closer to important markets.

"Once we're able to establish a foothold in the UK and across Europe and North America, we would then relocate the bulk of our production to Ghana," Mr Dapaah says.

Nevertheless, he acknowledges that infrastructure challenges in Ghana also influenced his decision to set up shop in the UK.

He highlights similar concerns to Nana Aduna about the business environment in Ghana.

He says he was worried about the inconsistent supply of energy in rural parts of Ghana and the large upfront capital expenditure required to buy equipment such as refrigerated lorries to transport the finished products to the port.


Raphael Dapaah hopes to process his chocolate in Ghana but says there are some logisitcal issues at the moment
Access to funds is a big problem and Nana Aduna says that high interest rates on bank loans are an issue for fledgling businesses and at the moment he cannot afford to borrow money.

"You cannot grow a business when you have to service interest rates of 18-20% or even more," he says.

But the government has pledged to address these structural issues.

'Break the narrative'
Echoing the president's words, Trade and Industry Minister Alan Kyerematen says that industrialisation is a major tenet of government policy.

"It only makes sense that the most important commodity in our country, which is cocoa… should become the target for a major programme of industrialisation," he tells the BBC.

"If you look at all the most powerful nations globally they also happen to be the most industrialised economies."

Ghana, however, is not known for its chocolate.

There are some local brands, like Golden Tree and artisanal label '57 Chocolate, but President Akufo-Addo's government still needs to do a lot of work to overcome production issues.

His One District One Factory programme aims to kickstart industrialisation by providing the infrastructure for agribusiness.

The establishment of processing plants in some of the big cocoa-growing areas is a key goal.


Ghana processes about 30% of its cocoa crop and the rest is exported
The fact that it has become easier for the private sector to invest in food processing is a welcome move, according to commodities expert Ekow Dontoh, who works for Bloomberg news.

He also highlights the big tax rebate available to processing companies that set up in the country's free zones - designated areas to encourage economic activity - in a bid to help them export.

"There have been signs that there are prospects coming up that are exciting," he says.

"All these are laudable ideas, [but] some of them still have teething problems. In principle we can say that there's been some good steps, but the full impact is yet to be shown in the economy."

Perhaps when the path is fully cleared, the likes of Nana Aduna and Mr Dapaah will become part of the country's chocolate-exporting sector.

Mr Dapaah says this is his ambition, which developed once he realised the imbalance in earnings between cocoa producers like his family and Western chocolate manufacturers and brands.

"I thought it was about time our family took action to break that narrative… [and about] how I could return to Ghana and be of service to my family and the ambitions of the nation."
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Aug 18, 2013


All Star
Jul 28, 2015
its good they are thinking long term. if they export that much cocoa and only see less than 3% back they are getting juiced like a mutherfukker. I often wonder when it comes to african countries if the roadblock is infrastructure and industrialization, how do they get over the hump? I am sure western powers would kneecap them by offering dog shyt deals and interest rates/prices but there has to be some way to gear up without getting ratfukked by the west.

if post ww1 germany can industrialize and become the teched out, demonic entity it was during ww2 then anyone can do it. sound like africa really could use a union type system to strengthen trade with member nations. i hope to see that in my lifetime.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
its good they are thinking long term. if they export that much cocoa and only see less than 3% back they are getting juiced like a mutherfukker. I often wonder when it comes to african countries if the roadblock is infrastructure and industrialization, how do they get over the hump? I am sure western powers would kneecap them by offering dog shyt deals and interest rates/prices but there has to be some way to gear up without getting ratfukked by the west.

if post ww1 germany can industrialize and become the teched out, demonic entity it was during ww2 then anyone can do it. sound like africa really could use a union type system to strengthen trade with member nations. i hope to see that in my lifetime.

The article gives an example of the most practical way for roadblock to be overcome. Not going to come from the govt. The entrepreneur class in their diasporas will lead the charge, and use resources, expertise and contacts to build small scale infrastructure. Begin the transition process of training the workers and eventually depend less and less on outsiders.
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
so basically the president was talking big but ghana doesnt have the infrastructure and is nowhere near having the infrastructure to make world class chocolate

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
Good informative read. This really got into depth of the entire situation way beyond the speech the president made to the Swiss not too long ago. Makes sense that a strong diary and sugar industry needs to be right alongside in the transformation of becoming a serious producer of chocolate instead of just a supplier to other nations.


Oct 8, 2014
Local governments need to stop talking and present plans I the short-term to make this a reality. Where are the tax dollars going?

The Philippines and Dominican Republic have cacao farms and factories where they grow and process their own chocolate. Hell, when I was in Japan they also had a large chocolate selection all over...and that is mostly mountain, not tropical.

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
if post ww1 germany can industrialize and become the teched out, demonic entity it was during ww2 then anyone can do it.

All the smartest black people in the world with the most resources - are somewhere in America or Europe working for whites.

The real problem no one wants to talk about, is the constant brain-drain of black nations

Its hard to build up black nations when everyone is too busy maintaining the power of white nations.

Cant do both at the same time.

You can't maintain white power Monday-Friday and then build black power on the weekends.