I watched this show for years. It was clearly my favorite podcast at one point. Disappointed in where it’s at now
Kraig Facts had way too many people in the room during its prime, even though the show was funny as hell. Five cohosts should’ve been the absolute max. Enough people to be at the table. No people needed in the background sitting against the wall
The strongest cohosts were Brandon, Charlie, and Dwann. DJ Show’s jokes were great for the podcast, and Dozie could round out the room. Duncan was decent for keeping convo moving.
Todd, Blaze, Otto, the slim Hispanic guy, Snap, the thick Hispanic girl, and anyone else I’m forgetting did not add to the show’s quality
Bigg Jah was a good guest. Boo was cool once every few months.
If the issue was about dividing the money, I wish Kraig would’ve paid them better for the show to be held together. Idk the behind the scenes enough though, and I’m not watching these hours of IG lives for drama