Yet during his rant he tried to shyt on Kev's safe brand of comedy. He then went on to say he's cliqued up and shows favoritism (as if any job in America doesn't have people who form factions within a workspace) then painted him as an elitist for not coming on his show.
Just in the framework of this argument, if Kev had a no Doboy rule at a studio he built from the ground up, and the girls violated that rule, does he not have the right to pull the episode
All the 'protect black women' red herring is just his veiled way to project his disdain for Kev. As one poster pointed out, he went from inviting Kev for his point of view to insulting within a 2 minute span. This is clearly agenda driven
The thing about hate is that it implies someone being jealous of another and I just don’t see that being the case. One thing that you’re doing that shows bias IMO is that you dismiss their biggest gripe against Kevin which is that if you’re not kissing his [Kevin] ass enough to get put on the “SQUADD” he is going to try to shut you out. Multiple people on KraigFacts have either seen or experienced first hand the nepotism and you minimize their viewpoint to insinuate that the disdain is born through jealousy rather than legitimate gripes.
As they said, they see a pattern and I see it too. Teddy Ray and Slink Johnson were like the first real funny muhfukkaz on ADD and they disappeared and then Kraig killed it on RoastMe and that nikka disappeared too but all the people that fukk with Kevin get all the premier slots. The thing to remember is that the dude you’re calling a hater actually worked with the individual in question and had a falling out with him.
You are not qualified to tell that man he is wrong about a situation he has more facts on you on.