I had to have my wisdom tooth removed and the tooth right in front of it because it was infected...
I ain't have no insurance so I told breh to just pull them shyts fukk waiting on the antibiotics and swelling to go down. I needed that pain out my mouth.
since it was infected that numbing shot ain't do shyt! I was in pain kicking my feet in the chair like a bish.
But lawd after them shyts was out
All I got was ibuprofen too for pain but it's because I'm allergic to all the good shyt
I had to get mines extracted for deployment. They had rotated in the opposite direction that when you look at the XRay the root was facing the direction of my second molar. According to the OS, I have very dense bone so it was difficult going in and getting one on the left mandibular.
fukked up part is I was prescribed the good shyt on top of Motrin but I could only take the Motrin becuz my wife at the time couldn't drive and I had to take her everywhere.
I have 3/5 impacted wisdom teeth.
They're staying right where they are
How old are you bruh?