Here's the thing. Checks and balances only work when you actively ensure the people holding those checks and balances in place are in office.This why we call them blue maga, they only stand up for things that their party personally supports just like their red hat equivalents. They're OK with trump going around the constitution and amendments due to the current directive from political party leaders. if it was something that personally concerned them and wasn't seen as inconvenience to the democratic party you'd see 500in this thread voicing concerns.
You stomp in the sand idiots have fought hard to encourage voter apathy under the guise of revolution and now cry because the Accelerationist dreams you had are knocking on your front door.
I've watched you like a couple others go from being a rational person to internet revolutionary obsessed with getting saps from a Slovenian white man who believes Donald Trump is going to liberate blsck people world wide.