Republicans are willing to shut this shyt down and smack their own momma upside the head to push their agenda.
I feel democratic voters were willing to endure a shutdown to force repubs to play ball.
Dems seemingly have still not gotten the memo that reasonable, rational, politics is out the fukkin window in 2025.
Not even sure what their plan is going forward at this point.
Seems they aren’t too adverse to the details in the bill outside of pretending they don’t like it so they can get votes
This is exactly the vibe I've been getting, from offline convos to seeing the chatter in various places online (this site included). The Dem base is
pissed and already resigned to some kind of pain in the near future (have these idiots not been paying attention to the polling around consumer confidence? The expectations of a recession in the near future?). So we'd at least like to see our so called representatives use the leverage they did have to vote against this bill.
So to hype people up like you were going to do just that, only to then turn around and say "actually, no, a government shutdown will be too painful, so we need to just roll over and not even try to fight against basically giving up our own Constitutional powers"? And you tried to sell that shyt to the base as you standing up to the administration?
I know some commentators say you can't have a "Tea Party" type of movement in the Democratic Party, but I feel like Schumer and the rest of the centrist "let's not rock the boat while the captain and his crew's trying to steer us straight into a cliff" crowd are definitely going to put that to the test. I know I'll be looking forward to 2028 and 2030 because I'd love the chance to boot Schumer and Gillibrand out in favor of people interested in actually acting like an opposition party.
Them and the other Dems who voted for cloture will be culpable for whatever dystopian, authoritarian bullshyt this administration gets up to. They'll be fine for the most part under whatever the Crook in Chief and his crew of flunkies cooks up, so they've got no real skin in the game. So they got to go.