Trump a wild boy
Ridiculous. A rich person calling for the end of the federal income taxes and claiming that would make us all richer is lying through their fukking teeth. It might have benefits for the rich, but it would be devastating for everyone else, given that income taxes fund essential public services -- things the majority of people rely on. And without them, the government would either have to dismantle these services (which they are hoping for) or shift the tax burden to something regressive like sales or property taxes, which would only end up hurting people already hurting by effectively doubling their financial burden.
The rich don't depend on public schools, public transportation, Medicaid, or other social services, because they can afford private options. They would be largely unaffected, but the rest of us would be worse off if they dismantled the social safety net. We already know from decades of "trickle-down" bullshyt that giving the rich more money doesn't lead to widespread prosperity. Instead, it makes things worse for everybody else. And allows them to hoard more wealth.
The idea that "no federal income tax makes us richer" is fantasy land bullshyt sold by greedy parasites to protect their own interests. His tariff talk is equally idiotic. Christ, how can people fall for this?