I think Trump has a chance to get birthright citizenship (for non citizens) dissolved looking at all the arguments I've seen.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof..." isn't applicable to undocumented (illegal) or temporary status migrants; they are subjected to the jurisdiction of their country of origin.
The original intent of the 14th amendment of the United States was to establish birthright citizenship to the former African American slaves post Civil War; it was never intended to be utilized as a pathway for undocumented (illegal) or temporary status migrants to establish legal permanent status and/or birthright citizenship. The original intent of the law has been corrupted.
US v Wong Kim Ark 1898 decision was successful because his parents had legal permanent status, although his parents were still subjected to the jurisdiction of their country of origin.
Another issue... If this happens, anchor children could become, if only temporary, stateless.