There are only 45,000 African American farmers left working the soil. One fears the Trump trade war will cost him the farm
Trump’s Farm Bailout Program Continues USDA’s Racist Legacy
Trump’s Farm Bailout Program Continues USDA’s Racist Legacy
President Trump's tariffs are a disaster for American soybean farmers, effectively cutting off access to China, their largest market. The Department of Agriculture's bailout program has not helped most of them, because the bulk of payments go to the biggest and richest
USDA gave almost 100 percent of Trump’s trade war bailout to white farmers
Similar to other USDA subsidies, the Market Facilitation Program has overwhelmingly favored white and male
92 Percent of Trump’s China Tariff Proceeds Has Gone to Bail Out Angry Farmers
Here’s The Crushing Truth About American Farmers Under Trump’s Trade War
Here’s The Crushing Truth About American Farmers Under Trump’s Trade War
Small farms are getting battered and receiving little help from the federal subsidies that were supposed to prop up agriculture over the trade war with
Did he ever get relief? I remember an old black farmer saying Trump was the greatest president ever. This is a stark contrast to that.