The Hill
Czech president says Trump should quit after election loss and "not be embarrassing"
The Hill
Czech president says Trump should quit after election loss and "not be embarrassing"
Adam Davidson
Ivanka obsessively avoids commenting on legal cases--even ones that are pretty risky for her. That she is weighing and politicizing this shows just how worried she is. (I so wish she were more worried about her knowing involvement in an Iranian $-laundering scheme. Alas).
8:46 AM · Nov 20, 2020Ivanka Trump
This is harassment pure and simple. This ‘inquiry’ by NYC democrats is 100% motivated by politics, publicity and rage. They know very well that there’s nothing here and that there was no tax benefit whatsoever. These politicians are simply ruthless.…
Yashar Ali
Nov 20, 2020
Andrew Giuliani, who is Rudy’s son and a special assistant to the president, says he’s tested positive for COVID-19. When’s the last time he saw his father? Also, check-out his Twitter bio.
Erin Schaff
He was at the RNC press conference with his dad yesterday.
10:56 AM · Nov 20, 2020
Josh Marshall
To soften the blow of defeat Fox's Geraldo proposes naming the vaccine after Trump. "It would be a nice gesture to him and years from now it would become kind of a generic name. Have you got your trump yet, I got my trump, I'm fine. I wished we could honor him in that way."
The Hill
President Trump: "Big pharma ran millions of dollars of negative advertisements against me during the campaign, which I won, by the way, but you know, we'll find that out. Almost 74 million votes."
NOTE: President Trump did not win the 2020 presidential election.
Salvador Hernandez
So Trump in a presser about drug prices is both claiming he is responsible for the speed of a COVID-19 vaccine being introduced, AND that drug companies delayed a vaccine until after the election to stick it to him “because of what I’m doing”
Rob Tornoe
Which reporter can be heard yelling, "Mr. President, are you being a sore loser?" as Trump walks out without answering any questions?
Aaron Rupar
Replying to @atrupar
Trump walks away without taking questions