Code word new KKK"Patriots"
What city is gonna host his COVID fests while he’s a lame duck president? What’s the benefit?... he doesn’t pay. There will be protests and white supremacy bs you gotta deal with. The only thing you get out of the deal is more virus and more litter.Gotta be profiting off this somehow.
Or a way to rile up his base when he loses which just shows what lunatic and dangerous president he is
He really had an opportunity to be a good President, and to show that an outsider could come into Washington and do a good job. If he just borrowed even a few traits and characteristics from Biden, we’d be looking at another four years of Trump. Yet he failed EVERY SINGLE TIME and in disastrous fashionAll he had to do was act like normal human being and he couldn’t do it
Kyle Griffin
Betsy DeVos' ex-chief of staff Josh Venable: "I cannot vote for the Republican nominee for president. For the good of the party I have supported ... but more importantly, for the sake of the country I love, I implore all patriotic Republicans to join me."
Opinion: As a Republican, I'm tired of Trump's division, discord, vitriol and hate
Trump lacks even a modicum of the character the Founders recognized as requisite for the functioning of our self-governing Republic, Venable writes.
8:00 AM · Nov 2, 2020
Aaron Rupar
Trump wants Judge Jeanine to be his AG. Beyond parody.
Christian Vanderbrouk
“This would be a less than propitious development”
9:38 AM · Nov 2, 2020