So they just gonna sit back and let these people possibly die

So they just gonna sit back and let these people possibly die
Trump asked Walter Reed doctors to sign non-disclosure agreements during his mysterious trip to the facility in November 2019
Trump asked Walter Reed doctors to sign NDAs in 2019
At least two Walter Reed doctors who refused to sign non-disclosure agreements last year were not permitted to be involved in Trump’s care.
6:54 AM · Oct 8, 2020
"I'm back because I'm a perfect physician specimen," Trump claims, before falsely describing Regeneron as "a cure"
Aaron Rupar
"I met with Gold Star families. I didn't want to cancel that ... I can't say, 'back up' ... they wanna hug me and they wanna kiss me, and they do" -- Trump on now suggesting Gold Start families gave him coronavirus
The Trump campaign says he'll do a rally instead of the virtual debate next week. Campaign manager Bill Stepien claims Trump "will have posted multiple negative tests prior to the debate." (Again, the president's doctors have not expressed that level of confidence publicly.)
8:23 AM · Oct 8, 2020
On FBN, Trump says Soleimani and Baghdadi are "bigger names than Osama bin Laden"
8:24 AM · Oct 8, 2020