Except Catholicism isn't Christianity. it's paganism with a Christian veneer. The word pope isn't in the Bible once, nor are priests supposed to be intermediaries between man and God. Jesus is.
So no, Catholicism isn't Christianity. It's an abomination hybrid of Roman paganism with sprinkles of Christianity.
It is a foolish pursuit to hold yourself as an authority on what is and isn't Christianity when the same movement you claim isn't, claims that your faith is invalid because it's not born of apostolic succession. The kicker is, their opinion holds more weight because they've been around the block longer.
The face of Christianity in the world outside of your small bubble is Catholicism. That's a fact.
The word Trinity isn't in the bible and yet the concept is foundational to the teachings of the church.
Any form of American born Christianity is but a watered down version of Catholicism.
You seem to have a rudimentary understanding of your own faith, it's history, and tradition, which includes your own b*stardized understanding of the function of holy orders (bishops, priest, deacons, ministers. The pope's function is that of the head bishop.)