This can be said for every community. Most of the women I’ve dated have had some past experiences with sexual assault or harassment while underage by grown men and this is extremely common if you just ask a woman about it. Heterosexual couples are constantly abusing and sexually abusing they children or the ones they adopt. Black pedophiles exist, white ones, and ones within every community. Fathers rape they daughters , other family members such as uncles and reverse with little boys being molested by women. Let’s not act like this is a “they” (LGBT) community thing. The only “they” is just in reference to white people with these links to these sex rings and fact that they do it the most engaging in pedophile activities. Not long ago a white wife and husband brought homemade muffins to a school filled with semen and made the kids eat it. Also a black father had his girlfriend rape his underage autistic son. Just a lot of sick people period. But acting like this is just something they community do on higher scales in inaccurate (I am not talking about trans people, just regular gay people)Is the LGBTQ still gonna gaslight us like they don't house and foster some of the most sickest individuals
Cue the netflix series in a yr or so.
I hope they get the worst form of punishment known to man. If what the reports say is true, they need to suffer insurmountable pain.
according to that c*nt @David_TheMan these kids are better off for having a chance at life