Gay Connecticut couple accused of raping adopted children will face trial


Jun 4, 2012
Uh, okay. What does anything in that study have to do with whether or not gay people are more likely to be pedophiles?

The highest % of the population who are more likely to be pedophiles are people who were victims themselves. Many of the people who were victims themselves, just happen to be homosexual later on in life... so....


Jun 21, 2012
Now you're being immature. Not sure why this is striking a nerve with you in a way thats causing you to check out mentally.


Just from his screen name alone it is obvious he suffers from severe mental distortions to conclude poo pushers and dykes with rubber dikks is rational behaviour.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Gay people are liars though. Alot of times they cant even be honest about their sexuality to their peers. If there was a question in adoption processes that said *have you ever been sexually abused* if yes *have you gotten therapy* i bet they'd lie if it meant not being able to adopt the child. Lie to the point where percentages regarding how many gay people have been molested per 100 thousand .

I can't take the irony here

Sent from handheld Minority Report console

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
The highest % of the population who are more likely to be pedophiles are people who were victims themselves. Many of the people who were victims themselves, just happen to be homosexual later on in life... so....

So like I said, what does any of this have to do with homosexuals being more likely to be prdophiles?

If we assume the conclusions are true (which I'm not convinced of, there is other data that shows no causative link), then that would mean sexual abuse is a causative agent in homosexuality, not vice versa. A homosexual who was not sexually abused is not any more likely to be a pedophilia. And there is still no evidence presented that homosexuals engage in pedophilia at a higher rate. You should be taking issue with sexual abuse, not homosexuality. I don't know why you're posting this. It doesn't even apply.


May 1, 2012
They aren't statistically more likely to have been abused than heterosexuals, though. That's the dangerous myth that Blackking was promoting as well. Most abuse victims are girls, and most of them were abused by men. If you read my link in the very same post you quoted, you might not have needed to make a fool out yourself with this response. You want to ignore the majority of abuse cases, which is a dangerous attitude to spread for the young girls out there who are being abused.

I think you need to hit the books again. Times are changing.

According to the Journal of Child Psychiatry: "It was commonly believed fifteen years ago that girls were abused in excess of boys in a ratio of about 9 to 1, but contemporary studies now indicate that the ratio of girls to boys abused has narrowed remarkably. . . . The majority of community studies suggest a . . . ratio . . . in the order of 2 to 4 girls to 1 boy."[5] Another study found that "some authors now believe that boys may be sexually abused as commonly as girls (Groth, 1978; O'Brien, 1980)."[6]

Also, it is a fact that homosexuals molest 1/3 of all children abused.

The best epidemiological evidence indicates that only 2 to 4 percent of men attracted to adults prefer men (ACSF Investigators, 1992; Billy et al.,1993; Fay et al.,1989; Johnson et al.,1992); in contrast, around 25 to 40 percent of men attracted to children prefer boys (Blanchard et al.,1999; Gebhard et al.,1965; Mohr et al.,1964). Thus, the rate of homosexual attraction is 6 to 20 times higher among pedophiles."[18]

A study in Archives of Sexual Behavior found that homosexual men are attracted to young males. The study compared the sexual age preferences of heterosexual men, heterosexual women, homosexual men, and lesbians. The results showed that, in marked contrast to the other three categories, "all but 9 of the 48 homosexual men preferred the youngest two male age categories," which included males as young as age fifteen.[36]

In The Gay Report, by homosexual researchers Karla Jay and Allen Young, the authors report data showing that 73 percent of homosexuals surveyed had at some time had sex with boys sixteen to nineteen years of age or younger."[37]

We gotta keep it real.


May 1, 2012
This is a thread worthy post in itself but ill leave this jewel for you who deny homoesxuals are after children.

David Thorstad is a homosexual activist and historian of the gay rights movement.[48] He is a former president of New York's Gay Activists Alliance (GAA), a prototype activist group founded in December 1969. The GAA at its inception opposed age of consent laws, which prohibited adults from having sex with children.[49] Thorstad is also a pedophile and founding member of the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

Thorstad argues that there is a natural and undeniable connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. He expresses bitterness that the gay rights movement has, in his view, abandoned pedophilia. Thorstad writes: "Boy-lovers were involved in the gay movement from the beginning, and their presence was tolerated. Gay youth groups encouraged adults to attend their dances. . . . There was a mood of tolerance, even joy at discovering the myriad of lifestyles within the gay and lesbian subculture."[50]

The inaugural issue of the Gay Community News in 1979 published a "Statement to the Gay Liberation Movement on the Issue of Man/Boy Love," which challenged the movement to return to a vision of sexual liberation. It argued that "the ultimate goal of gay liberation is the achievement of sexual freedom for all--not just equal rights for 'lesbian and gay men,' but also freedom of sexual expression for young people and children."



May 1, 2012
Despite this opposition, Thorstad claims that by 1985 homosexual pedophiles had won acceptance within the gay movement. He cites Jim Kepner, then curator of the International Gay and Lesbian Archives in Los Angeles: "A point I've been trying to make is that if we reject the boylovers in our midst today we'd better stop waving the banner of the Ancient Greeks, of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Horatio Alger, and Shakespeare. We'd better stop claiming them as part of our heritage unless we are broadening our concept of what it means to be gay today."[52]

In 1985 NAMBLA was admitted as a member in New York's council of Lesbian and Gay Organizations as well as the International Gay Association--now the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). In the mid-1990's ILGA's association with NAMBLA and other pedophile groups cost the organization it's status as a Non-Governmental Organization in the United Nations.

Too much ether against the gay community but gays like to prey on people who are not informed on their bullshyt. Even the gay movement has been coopted by people like the ones who adopted and molested those boys.


Jun 21, 2012
One of the first triumphs of the modern homosexual movement was the removal of homosexuality from the American Psychiatric Association’s official list of mental disorders in 1973. That decision was far more political than scientific in nature,37 and an actual survey of psychiatrists several years later showed that a large majority still believed homosexuality to be pathological.38 Nevertheless, regardless of whether one considers homosexuality itself to be a mental disorder, there can be no question that it is associated with higher levels of a whole range of mental disorders.39 Ron Stall, Thomas C. Mills, John Williamson, Trevor Hart, Greg Greenwood, Jay Paul, Lance Pollack, Diane Binson, Dennis Osmond, Joseph A. Catania, “Association of Co-Occurring Psychosocial Health Problems and Increased Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS Among Urban Men Who Have Sex With Men,” American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 93, No. 6 (June 2003), p. 941.
40 Ibid., 940-42.23Ron Stall, one of the nation’s leading AIDS researchers, has been warning for years “that additive psychosocial health problems—otherwise known collectively as a ‘syndemic’—exist among urban MSM” 39 [men who have sex with men].
For example, in 2003, his research team reported in the American Journal of Public Health that homosexual conduct in this population is associated
with higher rates of multiple drug use, depression, domestic violence and a history of having been sexually abused as a child


Jun 4, 2012
Child Abuse Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - Are girls more often abused than boys? on MedicineNet

Men are more likely to abuse than women, but girls are much more likely to be the victims than boys. Do you know what that means? It means that most abuse is heterosexual men abusing girls. So why don't we ban the adoption of girls by families with men in them? Also, by your logic, only lesbian couples are ideal for adoption. Why risk even one man in the picture?

It's also not true that most abused people become gay. There is currently no evidence that abuse leads to changes in sexual orientation, only some correlations. The actual rate of sexual abuse is much higher than most people think- the idea you're promoting is dangerous because it ignores that the vast majority of abuse does not correspond with adult sexuality of the victim.

First off, boys unreported sexual abuse (there a huge stigma to even talk about it). 2nd, those stats include girls 16-19 who are just fukking because they like to have sex. 3rd. It's pretty well documented and researched/studied that many homosexuals were abused as children. Sexual abuse causes criminal behavior, anti social behavior, mental illness, etc. So is it too far of a reach to think that child abuse may cause stress that could lead to the person molesting a child in the future? It's not a reach because studies show this to be true and also show that a high % of victims are now gay if they suffered homo molestation. So, you're right having a man in the picture is a risk.... having a gay man is more of a risk .

And I'm not going to even address the bold too much... lol, those so-called 'only correlations' are empirically and academically backed and peer reviewed studies and damn near every Major University in this nation.

History of Childhood Sexual Abuse and HIV Risk Behaviors in Homosexual and Bisexual Men

The risk is double with that of str8 men. What's dangerous is ignoring the effects of sexual abuse.... and excluding homosexuality out of this list that also contains criminality, wild sexual behavior, sex for money, and depressed adulthood, etc.

And FYI 1 n 5 boys are abused.. and that's just whats reported. The things you are saying and studies you (and the rest post) are missing factors to prove against the truth. The agenda of those studies are the reason that the factors of genders of the abuser and abused - and those effects - are left out. The correlation is between same-sex abuse and homosexuality. Yall need to get a clue.. You are making irrelevant points. Everyone knows that most abusers are male... so females deal mostly with hetro, while males tend to deal with a penis entering their rectums. That is the correlation that makes me single out gay men over women. We know the effects, and we know the perpetrators are usually men. Stats alone would concluded that gay males couples are more of a risks if you're choosing to ignore common sense. .


Jun 4, 2012
Despite this opposition, Thorstad claims that by 1985 homosexual pedophiles had won acceptance within the gay movement. He cites Jim Kepner, then curator of the International Gay and Lesbian Archives in Los Angeles: "A point I've been trying to make is that if we reject the boylovers in our midst today we'd better stop waving the banner of the Ancient Greeks, of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Horatio Alger, and Shakespeare. We'd better stop claiming them as part of our heritage unless we are broadening our concept of what it means to be gay today."[52]

In 1985 NAMBLA was admitted as a member in New York's council of Lesbian and Gay Organizations as well as the International Gay Association--now the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). In the mid-1990's ILGA's association with NAMBLA and other pedophile groups cost the organization it's status as a Non-Governmental Organization in the United Nations.

Too much ether against the gay community but gays like to prey on people who are not informed on their bullshyt. Even the gay movement has been coopted by people like the ones who adopted and molested those boys.

well homosexual sexually abused people tend to be atheist as well. #freethinking . We can figure out the link between those things if we think clearly.


May 1, 2012
well homosexual sexually abused people tend to be atheist as well. #freethinking . We can figure out the link between those things if we think clearly.

:whoo: Yea i guess they feel that since God wasnt there for them, when they needed them then, how can he be real since he supposed to swoop down to save the day anytime youre in trouble (by their logic)

the next guy

May 2, 2012
Gay imagery:

@Mowgli this won't be the norm...most people are still straight
Last edited by a moderator:

The Real

May 8, 2012
First off, boys unreported sexual abuse (there a huge stigma to even talk about it).

Of course. I already mentioned that. That doesn't mean the number approaches that of female victims, though.

2nd, those stats include girls 16-19 who are just fukking because they like to have sex.

Says who? If you're suggesting these things, you need to back them up. You're making a big leap.

3rd. It's pretty well documented and researched/studied that many homosexuals were abused as children. Sexual abuse causes criminal behavior, anti social behavior, mental illness, etc.

Sure. Many heterosexuals were also abused as children. You're just restating the obvious here.

So is it too far of a reach to think that child abuse may cause stress that could lead to the person molesting a child in the future?

No, of course not. But the percentage of victims who become abusers is less than 1/3.

It's not a reach because studies show this to be true and also show that a high % of victims are now gay if they suffered homo molestation. So, you're right having a man in the picture is a risk.... having a gay man is more of a risk .

That's not true at all. There is no evidence which suggests that a "high %" of victims are now homos. You still haven't posted any, by the way. You just keep making bold claims with no citations.

And I'm not going to even address the bold too much... lol, those so-called 'only correlations' are empirically and academically backed and peer reviewed studies and damn near every Major University in this nation.

History of Childhood Sexual Abuse and HIV Risk Behaviors in Homosexual and Bisexual Men

The risk is double with that of str8 men. What's dangerous is ignoring the effects of sexual abuse.... and excluding homosexuality out of this list that also contains criminality, wild sexual behavior, sex for money, and depressed adulthood, etc.

Why would you claim that the stats are easily available and then post a study that has nothing to do with your claim? Your study is about high-risk behavior among homosexuals who were abused. It says nothing about whether abuse lead to them becoming homosexual, or about comparative abuse rates between heterosexuals and homosexuals.

Let's see these stats that you keep claiming are backed by everyone.

And FYI 1 n 5 boys are abused.. and that's just whats reported. The things you are saying and studies you (and the rest post) are missing factors to prove against the truth. The agenda of those studies are the reason that the factors of genders of the abuser and abused - and those effects - are left out. The correlation is between same-sex abuse and homosexuality. Yall need to get a clue.. You are making irrelevant points. Everyone knows that most abusers are male... so females deal mostly with hetro, while males tend to deal with a penis entering their rectums. That is the correlation that makes me single out gay men over women. We know the effects, and we know the perpetrators are usually men. Stats alone would concluded that gay males couples are more of a risks if you're choosing to ignore common sense. .

Once again, you're just repeating yourself with no evidence and restating the same logical leaps I've pointed out before.

From the American Psychological Association, the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the world:

Despite a common myth, homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are.
Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Education, Prevention, and Recovery


Jun 4, 2012
So like I said, what does any of this have to do with homosexuals being more likely to be prdophiles?

If we assume the conclusions are true (which I'm not convinced of, there is other data that shows no causative link), then that would mean sexual abuse is a causative agent in homosexuality, not vice versa. A homosexual who was not sexually abused is not any more likely to be a pedophilia. And there is still no evidence presented that homosexuals engage in pedophilia at a higher rate. You should be taking issue with sexual abuse, not homosexuality. I don't know why you're posting this. It doesn't even apply.

I do take issue with sexual abuse. I also know that sexual abuse victims are more likely to abuse. We all know that there is no proof that people are born homosexual. I mean, people have done extensive research and study but we just can't conclude that people are born that way. The only thing we have shown is that a large % of gay men were abused as children by gay men. We have shown that there are environmental factors that can influence sexual orientation.

Honest question:
How is it that I'm debating with atheist over this? ... isn't homosexuality maladaptive in evolutionary theory? Or is this fakkit sh1t some how contributing biologically to our success as a species?