After reading the article...Singer might actually fukk around and be out of a ton of money here...
First the story was...dude was of the age of consent so what it the big deal...yeah it's weird he has all these young boys around him, but they are all of the age of consent so he didn't do anything illegal...
Then it turned into two of his closest friends "bringing" him young men...finding them at a party, or club, or whatever...then inviting them back to his if the boys actually stayed around awhile this is borderline pimping by the dudes bringing the young men to singer...
Then it morphed into...I was drugged...

...then it morphed one was every checking ID's at these parties...

...then it morphed into...they were giving me drugs and alcohol when I was 18

...which is illegal...then it morphed way that one kid was 18 I heard him call his parents and lie about where he was at
I actually read the article and their was a section that was only about Singers friends and associates who are REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS
Yeah when you are constantly hanging around multiple people in the sex offenders list...ain't no way some underage shyt didn't go down...
Dude gonna have to spend all that first class money as hush money...
Dude must have pissed off an even gayer and more powerful person than him in hollywood cause this story was really supposed to just disappear and it has just gotten bigger and bigger...I don't even think dude is doing press for the movie and it comes out in a few weeks