Gamer Breh Takes The Ultimate L. Get Married SmashBrehs


catching pigeons
May 24, 2014
That mans soul got straight burnt.

serves him right.... just look at him.

Sitting like that trying to get some play wit all his rolls on display :hhh:

Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus

Squerk · @Squerk_
1st Jul 2020 from TwitLonger

WaDi Situation
Hey Guys. There have been rumors spreading around for quite a long time about something with me and @WaDiRob.

Just wanted to address those rumors here. I believe the rumors started around Summer of 2016 when I used to travel up from Southern Virginia to Northern Virginia for tournaments (Fantastic, The Cave, Xanadu etc.) and I would stay in Northern Virginia for the week.

I became pretty good friends with WaDi during probably the Spring of that same year. We talked on discord and he invited me to his online smash crew which was pretty cool tbh. We talked more and more as the summer went on and 16 year old me began to develop feelings for him. We were pretty great friends the entire Summer, we used 4Squerk and 4WaDi as our Smash 4 in game tags, etc. I read things wrong, and admittedly became kind of obsessed with WaDi. I talked to him about the way I felt and he told me that because of my age he did not reciprocate feelings with me.

Nothing happened, WaDi did nothing wrong, I want this rumor dead tbh. It's troublesome hearing about rumors like this when there are real problematic people in the community. WaDi is genuinely a good person, and nobody should be attacking him for the Cinnpie stuff either.

I want to apologize to WaDi for being obsessive back in 2016 and probably making him uncomfortable. I put him in an awkward spot, and I'm glad he's mature and smart. Thanks everybody for reading and go spread love to @PuppehSSB. He needs it, I don't. Thanks again everybody



Aug 25, 2015
Squerk · @Squerk_
1st Jul 2020 from TwitLonger

WaDi Situation
Hey Guys. There have been rumors spreading around for quite a long time about something with me and @WaDiRob.

Just wanted to address those rumors here. I believe the rumors started around Summer of 2016 when I used to travel up from Southern Virginia to Northern Virginia for tournaments (Fantastic, The Cave, Xanadu etc.) and I would stay in Northern Virginia for the week.

I became pretty good friends with WaDi during probably the Spring of that same year. We talked on discord and he invited me to his online smash crew which was pretty cool tbh. We talked more and more as the summer went on and 16 year old me began to develop feelings for him. We were pretty great friends the entire Summer, we used 4Squerk and 4WaDi as our Smash 4 in game tags, etc. I read things wrong, and admittedly became kind of obsessed with WaDi. I talked to him about the way I felt and he told me that because of my age he did not reciprocate feelings with me.

Nothing happened, WaDi did nothing wrong, I want this rumor dead tbh. It's troublesome hearing about rumors like this when there are real problematic people in the community. WaDi is genuinely a good person, and nobody should be attacking him for the Cinnpie stuff either.

I want to apologize to WaDi for being obsessive back in 2016 and probably making him uncomfortable. I put him in an awkward spot, and I'm glad he's mature and smart. Thanks everybody for reading and go spread love to @PuppehSSB. He needs it, I don't. Thanks again everybody


Maaaaaaaaaaan this is reaching Jerry Springer levels