On reality Show:
"if you not really a celeb and doing a reality show they might pay you like 3500 a episode ... but if you do numbers like me u gettin ur #'s up .. u'll get a mil"
"gave my fiance 900 K .. only took 100 k...she a school teacher making 6 figures . wanted to make some more bread.. so i did it."
On 40 Glocc
"He was with 10 dudes . . . they all ran"
"This was the first fight I've ever been where I saw the dude so scared . . . thats why I filmed it . . . he never even put his hands up"
"The beef with him was over once he jumped in the bushes"
On new Album
"everybody on it ... kanye to premiere, nicki, trey, chris brown, scarface, wayne, wiz, tyga album is crazy called "Jesus Pieces""
"had to switch my album title cuz Trey songz stole my album title ... I talked to him .. he ADMITTED he stole my album title and he featured on a song on my album"
"I aint starting no church ... no Pastor Mase .. I get it poppin ... I was in the strip club 2 nights ago with 7 chicken wings and some fries."
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