Didn't Brienne get hung at the end of book 4 along with Pod and that other dude..... after she refused to go to king's landing and kill Jaime?You sure you finished reading breh? Jamie and Brienne are both completely alive
Didn't Brienne get hung at the end of book 4 along with Pod and that other dude..... after she refused to go to king's landing and kill Jaime?
Am I on crack? What are you guys talking about? I remember it like it was yesterday when they strung up her and Pod and let them swingit was heart breaking
Edit: I know that brienne showed up later and left with jaime but i assumed that some sorcery or something
how do you figure? In the books he was a lot creepier with his love of leeches and his super soft voice but I never got the feeling that Robb feared him
Nah I think Cat turning into Lady Stoneheart will be the last shot of the last episode. Each season has ended with seomthing supernatural happening (Dany's dragons in S1 and the march of the Wight Walkers in S2) so Cat rising from the dead seems like the most likely way for S3 to end.
I think that will also make non-book readers shyt a brick too.
I think Lady Stoneheart is gonna be the last shot of next season. It was the epilogue of book 3. Plus it would take time for her body to get thrown in the river, found by the brotherhood, revived, and become the new leader and start getting her revenge. If done right, that will blows nikkas minds when they see it. Tyrion killing Shae and Tywin will probably be episode 9.
Going on the premise that stannis isn't going to win ( I don't think this story ends with him on the throne) he's just as stupid as everyone . He could of worked with Robb and ended this war or even put his differences aside to work with Robb and renly. He cost himself everything with killing his brotherSince we know the source material what Im about to say aint no big surprise or anything, but MAN this show is top 5 all-time already. And we're talking about potentially 7-8-9 seasons of this shyt. HBO is the GOAT network also, it's not even fair.
Michelle Fairley deserves an Emmy for that episode alone. Only thing that kept me from crying was that she didn't say the "please don't cut my hair, Ned loves my hair" line, I woulda lost it. But this was gut-wrenching TV. Episode needed to be 10 min longer and they coulda have Lame Lothar drunk ass, Cat clawing her own face, any notable Northerner (dayum, no Greatjon at least?). The drums too, that was a big thing in the book.
But I'm nitpicking, GOAT ep, GOAT reactions from my peeps, R.I.P. Robb Stark![]()
Also it's funny how no one in the other thread wanna give Stannis credit/blame for the RW. They'll have to recognize at some point
Didn't the scratches on stoneheart's face come from some birds during the wedding right before she got her throat slit? Its been a while since I finished book 3.
Didn't the scratches on stoneheart's face come from some birds during the wedding right before she got her throat slit? Its been a while since I finished book 3.
Does this mean we will get to see Ayra warg into Nymeria, too?