Nothing better not happen to the KING!!!! Your foreshadowing is dangerous my friend...(Calls the Kingsguard!!!)

Bren u might be in the wrong thread
Nothing better not happen to the KING!!!! Your foreshadowing is dangerous my friend...(Calls the Kingsguard!!!)
Nah I think Cat turning into Lady Stoneheart will be the last shot of the last episode. Each season has ended with seomthing supernatural happening (Dany's dragons in S1 and the march of the Wight Walkers in S2) so Cat rising from the dead seems like the most likely way for S3 to end.
I think that will also make non-book readers shyt a brick too.
I think they should've kept the storyline in season 2 for Arya to be cupbearer for Bolton like in the books instead of for Tywin. Would've developed him better and made sense to give him more screentime considering he's such a big character for book 5 too
Do you think the show has developed roose enough ? Some of my friends still have no idea who he was last nightand my other friend thinks he stannis.
They are changing too much from the book
Jeyne Westerlings mother/father was also behind and helped orchestrate the red wedding
book readers that aren't stark supporters now based off what they knew
The North will Rise again brehs