After everything is said and done would it surprise you at the end that Jaime survives everything and comes out beloved by the people? His story coming full circle and redeeming himself? Cersei being "humbled" somewhat with the "Ho Walk Of Shame" but with the Robert Strong situation it looks like she hasnt learned anything. Tyrion looking like he will have his birthright in the end.
To me it looks like the Lannisters stories will end with everyone reaping what they have sowed/sowned (not sure proper grammar here) coming full circle.
We never really talked about this what do yall think will be the end game here with some of your favorite characters?
All Stanning Aside

I think Stannis will become king but his reign will be short Stannis doesnt play the "politics" game very well so I believe someone will betray him like one of the sand snakes from Dorne probably poison him or some shyt. The vision he saw in the flames comes true He has the crown but the crown burns the flesh off his head symbolic of it being a heavy burden/death.
Danerys I think never sees the iron throne I think she dies and Aegon picks up where she left off with the Dragons marching to kings landing to do battle with King Stannis I can also see Stannis dying this way battling Aegon

Shireen being exiled and the game of thrones begins again.
Jon Snow
Jon Snow "comes back" after being resurrected by melissandre who dies in the process becomes Azor ahai reborn battles the others saves the land becomes the new lord of winterfell.
Arya i really have no fukking clue by the time she is done with everything all the people she wanted to kill will be dead already

I really dont know
Littlefinger becomes the new Tywin Lannister becoming a rich and great Lord but depending on who becomes king that could be either very good or very bad for littlefinger Stannis would have no use for him Littlefinger could hustle Danerys or Aegon or Tommen lol
What yall think?