The red wedding wont be as crazy as it in the books
I'll bet money on it
Robb's host approaches the Twins. Robb rides at the head with Catelyn, Edmure, and Ser Raynald. Four Freys ride to meet them, Ser Ryman and his sons Edwyn, Black Walder, and Petyr. When they come near, Grey Wind begins to growl and leaps forward, causing Petyr's mount to throw him.
Ser Benfrey then brings Roslin forward. Robb is about to leave to see to his men when Catelyn suddenly remembers to ask for bread and salt to secure guest right. Robb's men, including Edmure, the Greatjon, and Ser Marq, thank Walder for his hospitality, and Catelyn feels they are now safe.
Lord Roose mentions Duskendale and blames Robett for marching there independently when he learned that Deepwood Motte had fallen.2 Roose now has five hundred horse and three thousand foot remaining. Robb tells him they are going home after the wedding.
Catelyn stays behind, as does Robb and a few others. Dacey taps Edwyn and asks him to dance, but he pushes her away violently and says no.
Catelyn takes off after him as "The Rains of Castamere" begins to play. She grabs his arm and feels mail beneath.