Season 1: Aerys becoming King juxtaposed against Rhaegar's birth and the tragedy of Summerhall, Have Aerys be kind at first only to start growing evil adn jealous as Tywin rises to power with Steffon Baratheon in King's Landing as his rival, Aerys raping Tywin's wife, cut a few years later to Rickard Stark and Steffon Barratheon sending Ned & Robert off to foster at Jon Arryns, Steffon Baratheon dying at sea and Aerys thinking Tywin did it, Robert becoming Lord of Storm's End, Rhaegar marrying Elia Martell, and end it with Aerys being kidnapped at Duskendale, Tywin being involved with Aerys being kidnapped, Barristan Selmy going to save him and that being what finally drives him crazy.
Season 2: Rikard's Southron Ambitons with Robert being promised to Lyanna, Ned to Ashara and Brandon to Cat, Rhaegar discovering the prophecy of TPTP (ended up being pointless though), the nobles in KL wanting Rhaegar to take over the throne, Aerys throwing the tourney at Harrenhal, Littlefinger falling in love with Cat and getting sliced open by Brandon, Ned playing a Jon Snow role to Brandon who was the heir, Rhaegar meeting Lyanna and falling in love, Aerys growing crazier as he realizes Rhaegar wants to replace him, Rheagar running away with Lyanna, Littlefinger somehow getting his revenge on Brandon by informing him Rhaegar "kidnapped" his sister, and end it with Brandon and Rikard Stark dying in the Red Keep as Aerys calls for Ned and Robert's death.
Season 3: Jon Arryn raises banners for Ned and Robert, Lyanna and Rhaegar make it to the TOJ, Robert's forces battling at Gulltown, then getting beat at the Battle of Ashford, and then Robert being separated from his men and having to hide in a brothel at Stoney Sept, Ned marrying Catelyn and Jon marrying Lysa, Rhaegar leaving the TOJ, The Battle of the Trident
, Jaime being slimy as Tywin prepares to sack King's Landing, Aerys dying, King's Landing being sacked, Ned being disgusted over what happened to Rhaegar's children, Ned leaving to go to TOJ to find Lyanna, another battle between Ned and Arthur Dayne, end it with Robert marrying Cersei, a new monarchy being installed and Ned riding back to the North with Jon....Honestly this could be two seasons
Im all for it![]()
That's an incredible breakdown! And it could easily be 3 seasons. We need this!