Gain 30lbs in 4 Days, Then lose 30lbs in 4 Days...

Black Ball

May 1, 2012
The Mighty LBC
Anybody ever do some crazy shyt like this? Well I've done it now twice over the past 5 months.

So my department at work was having a weight loss contest for the summer, 3 months long from June through August. At that point I was at 6ft. 195lbs. I'm in pretty good shape at this weight, but I'm in a rut with my eating habits. 1st place is going to be $500; 2nd place $300; 3rd place 200. I'm a gym rat so I know I can win this easy, plus I could use the extra motivation.

So it's Thursday morning after my workout and I decide to join. The weigh in is on Monday morning next week. So I got 4 days to get my weight up to have a chance to win this contest. I get to eat whatever I want for 4 days brehs:blessed:. Thought it was going to be great, but I was miserable as shyt. I stuffed myself to the point where I couldn't even enjoy my food. I could never even get hungry to want to eat my next meal:snoop:

So I weigh in at 225 on Monday morning. I Thought It would take me the rest of the month to lose that weight, but by Saturday I was already back down to 195.:dwillhuh:

In the end, I weighed in at 175 on September 2nd, lost 22% body weight, and win my $500. At this point I'm ready to go back to somewhat of my normal lifestyle. But why do I find out later that month that the company is having a weight loss contest, 1st place $1000, 2nd place $750 3rd place $300.:why::patrice::ld::usure::jawalrus::manny:

Black Ball

May 1, 2012
The Mighty LBC

So my job has been having a company wide weight loss contest since July 1st and goes through like Mid December. I was vaguely aware of it but I was already a month into my department contest at that time and was too light to join. I had put it completely out of my mind when the 2nd place winner from my department contest hit me up like, "we should join." He said he heard that the top person had only lost 7% body weight so far. I had went in so hard from the 1st contest, I didn't want to take part in this one. 175 is deathly light for me and I had to kill myself to get there. But the more I thought about it, I realized how pissed I'd be if I heard a nikka came up on $1000 and had only lost like 10%.

So on Thursday 9/25/14 I start my weight gain. At this point my weight is at like 187. It's weird because I have to maintain this new lighter weight just to be kinda lean. I'd be flabby at 195-200 now:sadcam:. This time I tried to pace myself a little better, but it was still brutal overeating like that and stuffing myself. This time I actually got a lil depressed at throwing away all the months of hard training and my new six pack abs for a small amount of money:to:. I wasn't even sure If I could bounce back like that so fast again. So Monday morning I weigh in at 220lbs.

I start working out on Tuesday 9/30/14 and by Saturday I'm back down to 190 again:gladbron:. I'm flabbergasted brehs, shyt don't even seem real. My wife hates my guts out of envy:pachaha: Is this how boxers are able to lose weight so fast?

All I need to do is cruise until the beginning of December, do like a 10 day training camp, get down to 175 and pick up my cash. My job is also giving away a free 1-Year gym membership if anybody hits 20%, which I will do.
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I Pitty Da Fool
Aug 12, 2013
Anybody ever do some crazy shyt like this? Well I've done it now twice over the past 5 months.

So my department at work was having a weight loss contest for the summer, 3 months long from June through August. At that point I was at 6ft. 195lbs. I'm in pretty good shape at this weight, but I'm in a rut with my eating habits. 1st place is going to be $500; 2nd place $300; 3rd place 200. I'm a gym rat so I know I can win this easy, plus I could use the extra motivation.

So it's Thursday morning after my workout and I decide to join. The weigh in is on Monday morning next week. So I got 4 days to get my weight up to have a chance to win this contest. I get to eat whatever I want for 4 days brehs:blessed:. Thought it was going to be great, but I was miserable as shyt. I stuffed myself to the point where I couldn't even enjoy my food. I could never even get hungry to want to eat my next meal:snoop:

So I weigh in at 225 on Monday morning. I Thought It would take me the rest of the month to lose that weight, but by Saturday I was already back down to 195.:dwillhuh:

In the end, I weighed in at 175 on September 2nd, lost 22% body weight, and win my $500. At this point I'm ready to go back to somewhat of my normal lifestyle. But why do I find out later that month that the company is having a weight loss contest, 1st place $1000, 2nd place $750 3rd place $300.:why::patrice::ld::usure::jawalrus::manny:
:feedme:give me a list of everything u ate during them days, I need to bulk up, trynna hit 205....i'm 183 right now 6'1

Black Ball

May 1, 2012
The Mighty LBC
:feedme:give me a list of everything u ate during them days, I need to bulk up, trynna hit 205....i'm 183 right now 6'1

Breh, you don't want to bulk up like that. You will look Flabby & Sick. But I ate alot terrible shyt like Big 1/2 pound bacon burgers, onion rings, fries. Pancakes & Breakfast Burritos. Pizza and mad dessert. The key is having a high capacity to keep eating even when you're not hungry, which I have as a former fat ass nikka. Also I'm sure I had alot of water retention from all of the sodium and I wasn't really going to the bathroom. Breh I think I was a borderline heart attack case. This is not the way to bulk. My lower legs and calves were swollen and hardened from all of the sodium I believe. While I did enjoy some of the food, overall it's a miserable experience.


im not a cool guy anymore
Jun 11, 2012
I may be able to come close to something like this ... but it would involve drinking a TON of very heavy beers, then taking days off drinking.

I gain 5-10 lbs between friday and sunday, then lose it by the following thursday.

Of course, while enjoyable, this lifestyle may waste a lot of gym effort. But I like going to the gym, so :yeshrug: I'll probably just keep enjoying life.


I'm Getting A Mail Order Bride
Sep 10, 2013
You should've done what UFC fighters do
Before they weigh in they do this water diet trick thing and when they weigh in thy weigh like 20-30lbs (which is there listed weight) but when they come to the fight they put that weight on again

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
You should've done what UFC fighters do
Before they weigh in they do this water diet trick thing and when they weigh in thy weigh like 20-30lbs (which is there listed weight) but when they come to the fight they put that weight on again
Fighters been doing that since they moved weigh-ins to the day before the fight. Not healthy

Black Ball

May 1, 2012
The Mighty LBC
This contest is making me miserable right now.:mjcry: I have it set in my heart and mind to get down to 174 so I can weigh 175 with clothes on to meet my goal of 20%.

I've been running 8 miles almost everyday for damn near a month. My lower body & psyche is beaten down right now. My weight loss stalled at 178 over the last 3 days, but I made it down to 177 this morning. Final day to weigh in is on Tuesday the 16th, but you can weigh in anytime you want. I really want to weigh in this Friday, but I don't know if I can lose 3 more pounds by then though:sadcam:.

I really really want to eat a whole large pizza and wings this weekend. I already missed out on pizza, cake, and ice cream for my daughters birthday on Sunday:to:.


Old Master
May 11, 2012
This contest is making me miserable right now.:mjcry: I have it set in my heart and mind to get down to 174 so I can weigh 175 with clothes on to meet my goal of 20%.

I've been running 8 miles almost everyday for damn near a month. My lower body & psyche is beaten down right now. My weight loss stalled at 178 over the last 3 days, but I made it down to 177 this morning. Final day to weigh in is on Tuesday the 16th, but you can weigh in anytime you want. I really want to weigh in this Friday, but I don't know if I can lose 3 more pounds by then though:sadcam:.

I really really want to eat a whole large pizza and wings this weekend. I already missed out on pizza, cake, and ice cream for my daughters birthday on Sunday:to:.
For $500?
