Remember when she was being pushed as 'THE Beautiful Black Woman'?
Yes. We as a people need to be able to identify when we are being trolled by white supremacists.
It's much easier to do when your default stance on white people in general is a lack of trust and assumed ill will until they prove themselves decent.
They did the same thing with Lupita. And that's not me saying she isn't pretty. She's beautiful. However, I do find it funny that the one dark skin woman the white media props up as being "diverse and beautiful" is the rare case of a black woman with no titties, no ass, and her natural hair is nice and SHORT.
Even when they prop up a pretty one there's still some trolling in there. There's been many a pretty dark skin woman as talented, more beautiful, and more shapely than Lupita that they showed nowhere near as much love to because they were seen as a threat to the standard of white beauty. Lupita's beauty is meek and reserved and dainty, so she isn't.