Def Jam isn't giving out free money they will make more off the licensing from this and recoup their money even if he flops.
Something tells me everyone is gonna get paid because the NBA (and other leagues) will milk the hell out of this song because the players are rocking with it heavy.
And it looks like the second song slaps.
Now that he has Def Jam he can get Boosie and whoever else to get on the Tweaker remix, shoot a video and make Manny and whoever else from New Orleans get in the video and milk this song well into the all star game (and you KNOW he’s performing).
Then drop the new song along with the album and ride that shīt into late spring and make sure a summer banger is lined up.
Get him some features from whoever the popular chicks in the game are right now (Summer Walker, Latto, Glorilla, Sexy Redd) so that the female audience is included and try to market him to them.