We always say this and just accept it: but the issue with will is he’s not out and about disrespecting her. It’s to the point now where he should leave her just for GP. If you want to swing or whatever cool. But the problem is you have to be discrete about it and to me that chick is out of pocket. I would of already been done with her over the 2pac stuff. But clearly we all have our own stories to tell.
Will would have to cut the check to "leave her"
It ain't worth the price.. since he technically already left her and anything he says would bring more attention to it and make him look worse possible hurting his pockets further
Look what happened after that sit down they had about August.. He should've just gone silent on all of it and kept doing him
It's already well known that they both in the streets so he better off saying nothing
" We " the people should just ignore anything she does or says cause she's a bird and nobody really cares anyway