Damn. Will going out bad. This is a double entendre because I don’t even think it’s cause of sex. He dead ass respect her pimp game. While will is a p*ssy cuck. damn 

Dude don't give af who she fuxThat cuck ain’t gonna do shyt but cry in the car
Hopefully Will Smith beat the s*** out of him.
We lost the old ways
could've found another woman who would respect him as a man and as a husband, but he picked her. He must live with his choice.
California is a no at fault state so it doesn't matter what happens between the couple the woman's getting halfNah he should let the inevitable happen of her being "entangled" with Future
More evidence when they get the inevitable divorce
could've found another woman who would respect him as a man and as a husband, but he picked her. He must live with his choice.
Future is a cuck. It's pretty pathetic the direction he's taken the Lost among our peopleFuture stans thought they had one
What Will do to you?i love it. dude was a simp. i hope he loses all his money