Not even picking sides but like countless folks said, the ignore button is essential. Me on the other hand, ignoring is for hoes but mental sanity is essential so no judgement on that side of the coin.
I'm like damns been up with the Dub when Swole got shytted on and thrown under the bus.
Along with the energy concerning that made me raise the eyebrow a bit in the TSC.
And now here we are with mofos arguing over the most stupid of shyt with a subforum in shambles. The lack of hand shakes, accountability, bygones, and moving on is gross in itself.
Quite frankly I just pop up just to shoot the shyt. I know the glory days of this side are long gone. I'm pouring candy corn flavored leave oil in the memory of Cattle. At least he and a few others keep it just wrestling and occasional fukkery.
Would love that over this fukking mess.