Rocket Scientist
Movie wasn't bad.The prison fighting was 

so based off the plot of this one,cipher will be joining the team in Fast 10?
I feel it the F&F/Transformers /Avengers crossover.... The Crew.... I mean The Family come across Optimus and his small band of Autobots who are in shambles after a grueling battle with the Deceptions, seeking help Taj comes up with the idea of letting each member of the family bonding with a Autobot giving birth to the headmasters, they then hunt down the Deceptions and destroys them. Floating as a pile of junk through out space barely functioning the Deceptions enter the atmosphere of Thanos the mad tyrant's throne, Thanos offers to restore them on 2 conditions 1 to serve under him and 2 to collect the infinity stones, Megatron reluctantly agrees, after collecting the stones Thanos and the Deceptions track down The Family & The Autobot but before the final battle ensues Earth's Mightiest Heroes arrives on the scene...