Rap Guerilla
Yeh I can't do it. She looked absolutely ridiculous with that helmet.
GTFOH with that nonsense. that hair is easily fixable for a woman of her means. that's the least of my concerns.
Yeh I can't do it. She looked absolutely ridiculous with that helmet.
I don't think she has fake body parts at all, but she does have a face shaped like the state of florida and hair from pinoy child slaves
Fake body + weave. I can't respect that
Beyonce though
Beyonce doesn't wear weave?
a black weave on a dark woman looks less natural than a blond weave on a light woman because of skin toneIt's just that it looks relatively natural on her because of her complexion. No different than how most black women look nuts with blonde hair, especially darker skinned women.
a black weave on a dark woman looks less natural than a blond weave on a light woman because of skin tone
i can totally see how this looks like its really hers
1. The weaves Kelly wears aren't convincing for anyone.
2. Skin color plays a huge role in what a women can get away with from everything from makeup to weave. Certain colors will make a women look clownish.
Mary J. Blige, Mama Combs
She looks absolutely ridiculous. One the wig is crazy on anyone but add in her skin tone and it looks even more crazy.
Because of her tone she looks better with the honey blonde than jet black. It is what it is.
explain how these women lighter than beyonce look bad with blond hair
if you meant kelly had a shytty weave style then say that. dark hair is the color that practically all black women have, light included. so to say that the combo of skin & hair color looked less natural on kelly than beyonce is beyond dumb
as i said in my previous post, there is a difference between something looking natural and something look good. did beyonce look good? yes. more natural than kelly based on hair color? no. you mentioned skin because like other guys you guys get a kick out of dragging darker women. this is why you were so quick to before actually taking the time to think "maybe darker hair does look more NATURAL than blond hair on black people"
this is not platinum.. It's not really dumb because if you think about she has undertones that blend well the hair. Darker women don't.
There are certain hairstyles and make-up combinations that look better on darker women than lighter women and vice versa. I don't understand how you find that insulting. What I find insulting is Kelly rocking that 99 cent store weave.