I mean to be fair, their EXPLANATION makes sense at least, to wit: they respect their OGs, and their OGs are exclusively (read: SOLELY) getting paid by artists like Chris Brown and Soulja. So they (the Bloods in this video) CAN’T “move” on the artists cause, again, there would be intra-gang consequences for messin’ with the OG’s money.
So THAT’S what screws THEM - that they still have to remain subordinate to their OGs. Apparently the OGs ain’t sharing the money cause this video is basically these cats complaining about how THEY personally ain’t eatin’ off none of that protection money….hence why
they have a problem with artists claimin’ the hood. So basically, they powerless and remain broke while their hood's name get drug through the mud. It's a lose/lose proposition for them.
Also, they make another good point in that it IS funny how you claim a gang but don’t hang around that gang’s territory. Comin’ around ONCE with the OGs who protect you ain’t “hanging around” a gang.

nikkas was like
“that’s headquarters over there” (the park)…..them nikkas (Chris and Soulja) ain’t never been over here.” 
at long-distance set claimin'....