And these goofy rappers Kant get enough of it
I thought wifin a strippper was bad
U got
access 2 all types of money , resources and u wifin and seedin up porn stars and known sluts
I blame kanye
(presumably... we dont know what these people
really got ) They access to stuff but in an oblique corrupted way
This ain't like standard a success/stability story which developed through an set of organized structures from grade/high/college with a set of peers then transitioned into a set a colleagues where u can get in where you fit in
He get his money (however much that actually is) through a hectic unpredictable travel schedule... unpredictable returns with unreliable a chaotic social environment where any literal handful of peers can be ousted at any moment.
I'd imagine it would be difficult to develop sincere comradery and companionship in such a constant tailspin
Im not condoning anything, but one should anticipate a level of instability with that rockstar life