

Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
So I thought I would do a little scouting report on my top 3 draft choices – Facebook, Twitter and Google+.


845 million active users
2nd most popular site on the Internet
2.7 billion ‘Likes’ every day
20 minutes spent on the site per visit
Facebook is a social media juggernaut, comparable probably to an Aaron Rodgers or Arian Foster in the fantasy football realm this season. The shear enormity of users alone should warrant it the number one pick. I mean 1 out of every 5 page views belongs to Facebook.

The benefits for businesses on Facebook aren’t too shabby either. In one of Francisco’s previous posts, How To Determine Facebook And Twitter ROI, 40 percent of Facebook users that has ‘liked’ a brand did it to receive a discount or promotion (which equals sales). One of Edible Arrangements promotions alone results in a double digit increase in sales.

There are plenty of ways to gain fans as well. The first should be obvious to every Internet Marketer, creating great content, but there are others that can have similar results; freebies, product updates, sales, exclusive content and one of the best ways to interact with your customers.


140 million active users
340 million tweets per day
8th most popular site on the Internet
Best way to keep up with Justin Bieber
Twitter has its limitations (only using up to 140 characters), but is definitely the best way to build relationships of the social media outlets, in my opinion. According to Yell, 25 percent of those surveyed already currently connect with brands on Twitter.

While social media has many benefits, one of the biggest advantages for businesses is to help in sharing their news and content. Over half who share business-related content on social networks choose Twitter. And like Facebook, people who follow brands and companies on Twitter do so for promotions and discounts.
Twitter has grown immensely over its six year history. It’s the number one mobile social network, now offering pictures and videos and its third party applications make it incredibly easy to set up specific tweets to benefit your business at opportune times.

Google Plus

Fastest growing social network
100+ million active users

Linked to YouTube and all other Google Affiliates
Male dominated
It’s too early to crown Google Plus king of social media, but this new social media outlet could be a sleeper, just because it’s linked to the most powerful avenue on the Internet, Google. From a business perspective, this could lead to a boat load of benefits in the future.

Google has claimed to be becoming more social, wanting to include social signals in their algorithm, and with their own social network and having all the user data, this could be true. It also could have benefits within YouTube, the SERPs and even Android related products.

Personalized circles make it easy to put people within certain lists like current customers, potential clients, etc. and a variety of sharing options like Facebook, but you can share posts in a number of different ways, allowing only some of all to view your posts.


Social media outlets may not have the player pool that the National Football League does, but it’s important to break them down and analysis each just the same; recognizing which avenue will work best for you and your business like the different styles of play in fantasy. Similar to certain running back and receivers being most valuable in a PPR (Points Per Reception) league, you may want to use Twitter than others in order to build strong relationships.

:what: stop spamming


The Sensational Prince
May 10, 2012
The Palace of Eternal Sun
Double D
Big full breasts on my baby
(Yo we going to Florida)
Triple weight
Couldn't weigh the love I've got for the girl
And I just wanna know
Why you ain't been going to work
Boss ain't working you like this
He can't take care of you like this

Now you're lost
Lost in the heat of it all
Girl you know you're lost
Lost in the thrill of it all
Miami, Amsterdam
Tokyo, Spain, lost
Los Angeles, India
Lost on a train, lost



Mike Ock

All Star
Jul 8, 2012
The World, but from BK
I just realized the same thing about Super Rich Kids :lawd:

greatest double entendre on the album on that song.

"she wash my back 3 times a day/ this shower head is so amaaaazing"

1- The actual shower head the water comes from
2-Actually getting head while taking a shower with ya chik :ohlawd: is one of the best feelings in the world.

Song just reminds me when I was fukin' with a chik out in San Diego who lives on right next to the beach, and damn near every morning we'd wake and bake on her balcony looking at the beach high as hell, just vibing.


The Sensational Prince
May 10, 2012
The Palace of Eternal Sun
greatest double entendre on the album on that song.

"she wash my back 3 times a day/ this shower head is so amaaaazing"

1- The actual shower head the water comes from
2-Actually getting head while taking a shower with ya chik :ohlawd: is one of the best feelings in the world.

Song just reminds me when I was fukin' with a chik out in San Diego who lives on right next to the beach, and damn near every morning we'd wake and bake on her balcony looking at the beach high as hell, just vibing.

Ok so what point of view is he singing from.

After listening to this track over an over... I get this vibe of a kid/s with tons of money and somehow they come with these fukk upped scenarios...mad at the world and end up bitter even though they had everything....

yep, the double entendres are :ohhh:

anyway..... back to 'Lost'


Mike Ock

All Star
Jul 8, 2012
The World, but from BK
Ok so what point of view is he singing from.

After listening to this track over an over... I get this vibe of a kid/s with tons of money and somehow they come with these fukk upped scenarios...mad at the world and end up bitter even though they had everything....

yep, the double entendres are :ohhh:

anyway..... back to 'Lost'


I get a similar vibe from the song...It starts out with them on top of the world, they start messing with drugs hardcore and then began wanting to kill themselves all the while they're really searching for a real love or meaning to their lives. Its just my impression of the song, I could be wrong.