Damn, brehs....this is...absolutely amazing

. First half flows beautifully, but once you hit Pyramids it's nothing but amazing song after amazing song. Is it better than Nostalgia,Ultra? I don't know, but it's definitely the logical progression and growth from NU. He's able to convey whatever emotion he's going for a lot more effectively on this album. The writing is excellent but that was to be expected. Honestly, this is the best R&B album since Sade dropped Soldier of Love.
And trust, this will do numbers. Besides the whole gay thing, people have turned the album into an event/being important beyond music. Call it media hype, but even people that don't like or have never heard of dude will cop just to say they were a part of it. That's how people operate. Adele, Taylor Swift, Susan Boyle, etc. They were stories as well as great musicians that put out a great album. Every once in a while the nation picks something they're going to care about and nobody wants to be left out.