The album is good but there a a lot of problems with it:
lyrics/song themes are too abstract. I dont know what he's talking about half the time.
the best songs (songs with most potential) are too short, have no lyrics (White) or are intros/outros. I hate this. It just gets your hopes up for the full song and your let down. Why do artists do this?
Pyramids is NINE MINUTES LONG. The second half (she headed to the pyramid, etc....) is the best part and will never become a single because of this. He needs to release a remix with a rapper. Kanye?
Everyone thinks hes gay because of one song (forest gump) and he's probably singing from the perspective of a cheerleader or something. How can you tell really. All his songs are abstract to begin with. The songs sounds good (nice track/melody) but it'll get skipped by most and wont get radio play because of the "gay element"
The best song is still "Thinking bout you" and it's like 1 year old
ANd finally.....where is whip appeal?