Frank Ocean - Pyramids (Official Video)


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
Straight off his Tumblr site

frank ocean [pyramids] on Vimeo

:heh: at the old dude grabbin a handful of ass


Anyone catch the kabbalic tree of life in the middle of the pyramid? Interesting.

Seems like Frank has a religious experience in the strip club that takes him out of that situation and on the road to enlightenment.

Great video, have to watch it again.

i'm glad they skipped the gay first movement. i just KNEW this song was about strippers/Vegas. my peoples were trying to tell me it was about pimping.

It is about both, as Busby's quote implies. However, it changes POV three times. You have 3 different stories in the song: the narrator describing the events taking place in ancient egypt, the pimp describing his life as a pimp and his ownership of a woman he names Cleopatra, and another man (or customer) in love with Cleopatra.


I thought that in the 3rd part of the song, Frank implies that their is an actual love relationship with the stripper/prostitute Cleopatra. It didn't come off to me as a customer infatuated with a woman, but as a man who knows the woman as who she is and not as Cleopatra; that their is an actual love affair with the two that doesn't involve her giving him her "services".