Then you push back against people who push for anti freedom. Telling women what to wear at the beach is to far.Good.
fukk those muslims man...they love infiltrating under this "religious freedom" thing you know, you can't serve any food they dont' want
England is dealing with their bullshyt too.
This isn't against arabs, middle easterners, or any society with muslims in it...but is sheerly against that set of ideas.
So don't even think of calling this racist.
Look at asian countries where islam is, and where it isn't. Islam is purely a cancer.
Race matters in Islam though. Arabs feel God basically works through them so they're at the top of the pyramidthis isnt about raceislam is not a race
.it's a voluntary set of values that you choose to follow and hold important. what the fukk did i just say about white christians above? i have zero respect for their 'victimhood' either. if you dont wanna hand out birth control to rational adults, because it'll 'put you on jesus' shyt list', go the fukk back to the vatican
if you value their version of modesty, then go live in a country that shares your idealsyou have no sympathy from me if seeing a womans hair outside of a veil makes you angry and insecure
. go live in some country that also feels that way