well it's easy to say "crazy", but this was a person that behaved more-or-less rationally every day of their life. people still want an explanation for why he went "crazy"
just to be clear, I in no way blame video games
Bruh, you just a flipiton of the lips here boy. The kid was Autistic which means he often wouldn't act rational
But, Autistic people are not known for violent killings. They would usually only act out in such a manner if overly provoked
Otherwise, they get kinda loud, but fake gangsta.
After talking with some people who have a background in psychology
There conclusions is that the kids mother possible was molesting him
But that they didn't have enough info to be sure of that because they don't know of the connection with his mom and the school/kids.
I used to work with kids with disabilities, and I seen how autistic kids get upset myself
I couldn't imagine any of them carrying out such a crime. Something pushed him over that edge. I wish I knew what out of curiosity
"Mass Effect"? For real b? Like....out of all the games...."Mass Effect"? Seriously?
Breh... that pic literally infuriated me a lil bit reading the comments from those idiots.
The gaming industry bout to have a cold winter due to this tragedy. Kids' parents about to throw all of lil Danny's M for Mature games on his Christmas list in the bushes
I was gonna say that the Wii-u could benefit from this. But when I think about the games that system has? Not too many, very limited
So Mass Effect 3: Wii-U edition kinda sticks out
People always rushing to find out why some psycho did something irrational. I'm more focused on what measures can be made to prevent shyt like this from happening. Gun laws need to strike the fear of serious jail time in the people selling these demons these weapons.
Yes it shouldn't be easy as copping a damn screwdriver to get a gun.
Thats not gonna happen. What they'll do is apply that tactic to the minorities of this great nation

Plexico Burress told me to remind him to whoop your ass...
Exactly, it seems like they have problems dealing with turmoil in general which is the real reason that you are seeing all of these shooting sprees. If nikkas can put up with all the bullshyt being thrown at us on the daily basis, I'm certainly sure that some fakkit ass whiteboy can deal with whatever situation he was in without shooting innocent kids. The shyt pisses me off every time I hear about something like this.
1.) Since he was autistic, I'd say you could be very incorrect.
2.) You statement is kinda Rob Parker'ish. Black/White... nobody knows what happened. Not saying there is a reason to shoot kids, just sayin this shyt does happen in the white community more so than others from what I've seen
shytting on them for it is no different than them shytting on us for anything we do
Wait, thats is how it is

2 wrongs don't make a right? RIGHT???
Well, I tried white ppl
lol @ Innocent lives have been lost because of this game
There's no mystery as to why 45% of the American public doesn't believe in Evolution. Fukkin tards
Why do people find moments like this to push some "other" agenda

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