So in this thread, are we pretending like black men aren't lining up to wife ran through industry chicks like Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose? I'm just making sure
Come on now. You know the rules are different when it comes to blk men c00ning for white hoes.
When that "muh dyck" philosophy drops, logic goes out the window.
On a different note, white men tho?
Ew. I can't. But I know she looking for cheddar. At the very least she can divorce him and take money from their community vs when blk dudes do it and are mopped up by white bishes literally giving money to the white community. Tiger Woods ya'll!
But still. Better her than me taking one for the team b/c I ain't waking up to a necromorph no time soon.
Ain't enuff money in the world.