Former DEA agent told not to enforce drug war in suburbs

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Sadly this isn't breaking news. Those rich white kids out in the burbs be on some of the hardest drugs on the market. Not to mention all the prescription drugs they be on. White boys don't get pulled over, don't get searched and don't get sweated by the Po's like black folks do.

And when white folks finally do get busted with work on them. They are more likley to get lighter sentences, get drug diversion programs or cop to lesser charges.

When black kids get busted with weed, white folks say, "those drug headed thugs, lock them up" White kids get caught with weed, white folks be like "they were just experiencing/ this is just a phase" :beli:


Giving game to lames since the 90s
Apr 30, 2012
In Dallas, From Cleveland
Makes sense, the 2 cats I'm cool with who have been getting it for more than 10 years both live in apartments in the suburbs and been prospering, no kick does or nothing.

Everybody else I know who were still trying to get it in the hood or got a trap done got caught up or caught some type of charge.

But this is common knowledge though...

You think they want them doing raids in those nice white neighborhoods and start scaring all them white folks when they see the swat team bussing down doors at the end of the cul de sac?


May 20, 2012
Sadly this isn't breaking news. Those rich white kids out in the burbs be on some of the hardest drugs on the market. Not to mention all the prescription drugs they be on. White boys don't get pulled over, don't get searched and don't get sweated by the Po's like black folks do.

And when white folks finally do get busted with work on them. They are more likley to get lighter sentences, get drug diversion programs or cop to lesser charges.

When black kids get busted with weed, white folks say, "those drug headed thugs, lock them up" White kids get caught with weed, white folks be like "they were just experiencing/ this is just a phase" :beli:

Yeah, that shyt is fukked up.

What is crazy is that, the reason they don't touch white people is because they may know people in the system, and catch them on their bullshyt, so they go to people who stay away from that world. It's like they want us to hate them, so we won't even try to associate with someone who is apart of the system, and get them for the bullshyt they are doing. :ohhh:

If black& latins, used our power to get white people in each part of the system(lawyers, police, politicians) to get in good with us, I bet you there would be no drug war. The good thing about Obama is his administration is moving towards drug courts, instead of incarceration.

The sad thing about all of this is the people who are being able to do all the drugs they want with no repercussions, are slowly falling apart, and tearing up their families, which is why so many white people are talking about drug incarceration being a problem. This is why the country is falling apart, they are endorsing fukked up behavior just because they are feeding off of other people, instead of stopping the bullshyt in general or finding positive ways to deal with it. I think in a few years, all of this is going to come home to roost, and whites are going to take a look around, and see they built a fortress only to insulate themselves in a shyt hole of some foul people. That is when things are going to change. I see it starting now.

People are on prescription drugs like crazy, getting caught in the system, and their families are mad that they are treated like criminals instead of having a health problem. Add to the fact that everyone is doing weed, and letting it be known through internet videos, it's hard to keep claiming it's an inner city problem. Unless black/latins start doing some other type of drug which they can use against us, the drug war is about to come to an end because whites can't hide the dirty little secret of them being drug users in high number anymore.