Forgotten c00ns Of The Past


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
'I'm Just Jealous
That I Wasn't Born Latina'

9/8/2007 5:15 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF
Ring the alarm! Buttastic Beyonce -- who is up for "Female Artist of the Year" at the VMAs -- tells Latina Magazine, "I'm just jealous that I wasn't born Latina. I wish I had been because the culture is so beautiful." If Beyonce is going to attempt to voice an original thought, perhaps she should write it down and read it first!

Bey may have put her high-heeled foot in her mouth with this one! Somebody let this woman know that appreciating a culture is great, but actually wishing (and perhaps morphing) yourself into it is a little annoying. The sultry singer goes on to say, "I noticed a big difference between speaking to all of the Latino stations and speaking to the pop stations or the other stations. With the Latino stations, there was so much love and everyone is so genuine." Is anyone listening out there? Hola?!

Where was Beyonce's mother, Ms. Tina, or even Jay-Z when this was going on?! From now on this girl needs a chaperone to monitor all statements! Her booty is legendary, but she shouldn't speak out of it.

Read more: Beyonce: "I'm Just Jealous That I Wasn't Born Latina" |

I don't think what she said was c00ning for two reasons.

1. Latina isn't really a race it's more of a culture, there are black's who identify as latino just like there are white's who identify as latino. Yes, latino's on average tend to be brownish but beyonce herself isn't all that black herself. Imo, she could pass for latino if it wern't for the fact that she couldn't speak the language.Saying someone is latino isn't like saying someone is Asian.

2. She was being interviewed by a latina publication. It was more pandering to the audience than c00ning imo. She was more stroking and sucking up to the readers/her fanbase. There's plenty of other valid other reasons one could make why beyonce is a c00n rather, rather than this non-issue imo.