Breh it aint hate on my part, and I love seeing dudes get money, especially Black men. Still, we've seen it too many times where athletes live beyond their means. I hope it doesnt happen to Floyd, but if it happens I wouldnt be surprised.
Nah floyd isn't going broke. He's a very shrewd investor and an extremely intelligent businessman. Don't let his dumb flashy jiggy nicca persona fool you.Breh it aint hate on my part, and I love seeing dudes get money, especially Black men. Still, we've seen it too many times where athletes live beyond their means. I hope it doesnt happen to Floyd, but if it happens I wouldnt be surprised.
To this day, I'm still shocked and amazed at how big of a star in a monetary sense Floyd became in seemingly a short period of time. It's almost 10 years ago when he took a fight with Gatti just to build an audience and a decade later, he's the biggest draw ever!
The power of the heel turn :999:
Watch this fool file for bankruptcy several years from now.
Watch this fool file for bankruptcy several years from now.
If I ever read a comment with pure hate in it, that's it.
how di i get in touch with floyd? im sure he has like 1k to throw away in my direction. im pretty sure if i can come up with a good enough sob story he will pay up.![]()
He can live off the interest and never touch the principle, with $400-500 million in the bank he'd be clearing around $12 to $15 million a year just off interest with a modest 3%.
Being nice isn't what gets boxers paid what he made.if he wasnt such a despicable person he might of been the goat black athlete, but on the business and ring side you still have to respect the man