Elle Driver
And here you are be willfully ignorant, just like the people that respond with #alllivesmatter.
You know exactly what the movement is about.
And using this logic you would been calling out Dr King, Malcom X and any other leader/movement. Cause none of them addressed ALL the issues at the same time.
This movement is nowhere near the work Dr. King and Malcolm X have done for the community. I wouldn't even call it a movement at all. Mass incarceration, the war of drugs came AFTER Dr. King and Malcolm's time, you're clearly the one who's playing ignorant. Like I said, if you're a black liberation movement then you're addressing the issues that work in conjuction with police brutality, not just police brutality. You're addressing poverty, high unemployment rates, the privatization of schools/prisons, the school to prison pipline, gentrification, etc. It's a matter of attacking Congress, attacking the war on drugs which grants police officers the money to use military armor and military tactics on it's citizens. Going straight to the source and fight against it.