Candy, mints etc...anything that has sugar in it when it Combines with the bacteria in your mouth it immediately starts an acid attack on the enamel. This is how cavities or caries are formed. That's why we recommend sugar free gum with xylitol to combat the bacteria.
Flossing is just as important as brushing. With my experience with patients I would say NOT FLOSSING is the number 1 cause for bad breath. Brushing everyday even with best toothpaste will not cut it. Food especially meat is literally rotting in the interproximal (in between) areas of your teeth as the days and weeks pass. Floss your teeth and smell it if its

that's old food just rotting away.
The main purpose of toothpaste is to remove plaque. The soft build up that you have that accumulate all day even when you are not eating. (Notice when you wake up). You can remove plaque simply with a toothbrush and water. What they don't tell you is, You don't even need toothpaste to remove plaque. That's why they market "freshness" and flavors for your breath. You are paying for the "fresh feeling" when actuality the alcohol in it makes your breath worse after that "feeling" wears off.
DO NOT BLEACH YOUR TEETH. It etches the enamel and causes sensitivity. You'll be sensitive to hot/cold
Use cheap toothpaste and blame bad breath on "Internally" brehs