I would love for them to make this legal so I could get rich…….You need losers so there's enough money in the market for winners. Most of the general public loses anyway. Could you imagine if there was an even bigger percentage of the public betting into sucker ass lines, road favorites of 13 and shyt (i.e.: that seattle seahawks vs rams game)? People who know what they're doing would make even more of a killing.
In some ways I know exactly what you mean tho…..but at the end of the day people are adults, it's not my responsibility.
I have a friend who's a degenerate, compulsive gambler…..I've seen him lose his head completely. He's in gamblers anonymous right now. He's not disciplined at all tho….I've seen him lose 2,000 playing black jack, call his bank and say someone stole his ATM card

, then get the money put back into his account and then lose the 2,000 all over again.

It's crazy because I actually gamble more than him. I literally gamble on sports almost everyday, but I don't have to bet and I only bet when I believe I have an edge. I'm a lot more controlled. I have an excel spreadsheet with all my bets, with my profit on each sport and what not. So I know what I'm doing right or wrong. Homie bets because he can't control it. Does it compulsively….Never sets limits, chases, doesn't do any research, just out of control. I have a good idea of how he thinks because I've actually taken his action.…It actually taught me a lot about how lines are made and how bookmakers can manipulate the public into bets just taking his action (as well as gambling on my own)..…He'd bet against me, I'd set the lines where I had an advantage and always win. (I'm a cowboys fan so we bet on a few cowboys games, when the cowboys were the underdog I'd get points on my side & we'd play the spread, when the cowboys were the favorite, I got the ML for even money) I stopped taking his action as a friend. I remember one day, he asked me to put in a 15 team teaser for $1,000…

Looking back I feel so bad for actually putting it in for him. He would hit me up to put in his bets and I'd lie and say I have no money just because I just hated seeing him destroy his life. He's easily down 50gs or more.