People talking about camping out in the water? Snakes are expert swimmers, and can virtually breathe underwater.
You can't chill on the outskirts rocks, because heated rocks are the things snakes like most. That's the first thing you buy if you get a pet snake. You just some food on a plate in that situation.
And if you try to jump off the plate and into the water, it's probably some snakes in there too trying to cool off.
You can't run into the woods, that's automatic death.
Snakes can get into plumbing, and can move up to 10lbs, so even if you closed the toilet seat and put a brick on it, a swoll snake could still come out of there. Sinks and bathtub too.
Vents and wall slits are for smaller snakes. So you'd pretty much have to sit in one room the whole week, periodically coming out to kill the snakes accumulating outside your room, but even then the dead snakes that weren't being consumed by other snakes would start decaying, and the stench would suffocate you.
I wouldn't do it, I don't like the forest, the woods, or snakes.