As an old ass nygga creepin ever closer to 40, it's mixed feelings. I do think it was cool how everyone had their different gaming path. Mine was Genesis > Ps1 > Ps2 > 360 > Ps4 > Ps5
A number of my friends went the Nintendo route, so headin to my friend's spot to play TMNT on SNES, or later going from my single player ish like Tomb Raider, Crash Bandicoot, FF8, etc to a friend's house to play Golden Eye, Star Fox, Bomberman, Diddy Kong Racing, etc was dope.
That said, that 360 period of movie games and sandboxes may have been the most joy i ever had in gaming (Halo 3 + Reach; Gears 1-3; Mass Effect 1-3; Fallout; Skyrim), at which point i no longer felt the need for diversiification. Also getting older/adulting and not being as exploratory.