Mikael Blowpiff
I voted for Jill Stein this election but was going to vote for Johnson because it was looking like The Green Party was not going to have enough signatures to get on the ballot in PA.
I liked Johnson's overall positons on issues but I never agreed with Johnson's stance on private prisons and if dude ever had a snowball's shot in hell at winning I would not vote for him just on that issue alone.
The porivate prison industry and its lobby is one of the worst things to be allowed in this country. Monetizing prisons just leads to legislators making it easier to lock people up since they need to keep feeding the beast in order to continue getting money from it.
If anything the private prisons issue is probably one of the biggest things hindering marijuana legalization. Let's say that you ran a company that ran a bunch of private prisons. Would you support legislation that took away thousands of easy arrests and thus took money out of your pockets?
Most countries, even those with third parties that actually wield some sort of influence, usually have two dominant parties or blocs.So whats your solution to the problem of the two party system? Surely you dont believe the Rep/Dem system is the best for this country